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AbiCollab.net support in AbiWord Windows installer

For kicks I packaged a Windows installer of a snapshot of the stable AbiWord branch that includes preliminary AbiCollab.net support: abiword-setup-2.6.5-svn20080729.exe.

Note that when we enable AbiCollab.net support in the official AbiWord builds (I think that will be somewhere around 2.6.6), the collaboration protocol might be slightly different. When that happens, you will have to update this testing version.

PS. How cool is that: for Windows systems an application developer can make a single, tested application installer which people can use to install an application... and it will Just Work! Brilliant! If only we could do that on Linux... but alas, apparently that's too hard... And no, PackageKit (even though it's very cool), does not offer this. AutoPackage also had way too many problems last time we tried it. Maybe it's different these days, I dunno.